Meet Aitana – The Virtual Influencer Taking Social Media by Storm!

Once upon a time in Barcelona, a cool agency called The Clueless faced tough times. The boss, Rubén Cruz, wanted to fix things. They saw projects getting canceled because of real models and influencers causing problems. So, they had an idea: create their model using artificial intelligence (AI). That’s how Aitana, a 25-year-old pink-haired gal, was born!

Aitana isn’t real, but she’s getting famous. Brands pay her around €3,000 each month, and she even got a gig with a sports supplement company called Big 🌟. She’s on a platform like OnlyFans too, showing off in lingerie.

What’s wild is that she has more than 121,000 fans on Instagram! People follow her life, not just pictures. But here’s the twist: Aitana isn’t alive. The agency team, with graphic designers and AI experts, makes her adventures using Photoshop.

Aitana has a story. She’s a fitness lover from Barcelona, outgoing, and caring. She’s got a complex character and even a gamer side. 🎮 The agency made her this way because they thought about what people like. Pink hair and a bit of the Europeanized oriental vibe seemed to be a hit.

Success hit hard, and now there’s another virtual model named Maia. Both names have the magic letters AI (for artificial intelligence).

But not everyone loves this idea. Some worry that Aitana’s perfection might make people obsessed with looking perfect. Critics say the models are too sexy. The agency defends itself, saying they’re just following what influencers and brands already do.

The Clueless is now flooded with brands wanting their own AI model. They want an image that’s not real, so there are no problems if they need to fire someone. And guess what? It’s cheaper! The agency thinks this can help small companies that can’t spend big on ads.

But there’s a flip side. People are concerned. Some think these perfect models might mess with how young folks see themselves. 🤔 Others don’t like how sexy the models look. The agency says they’re just keeping up with what’s already out there.

In my opinion, it’s cool that AI can do this, but we gotta be careful. We don’t want everyone thinking they have to be perfect or super sexy. Real people are awesome too! 🌈